Best Eye Hospitals in INDIA

List of Best Top Eye Hospitals in India

Here is more detailed list of best medical hospitals in India. Do note that there are many other super specialty hospitals offering various kind of eye surgery and treatment in India and the below list is just a small fraction of them.
Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital Chennai
"Sankara Nethralaya" is an eye hospital in chennai India Offering a broad coverage of ophthalmologic care to local, as well As international patients. its a non profit missionary institution With research programme.
L V Prasad Eye hospital & Institute, Hyderabad
L V Prasad Eye hospital, Hyderabad is one of top eye hospitals in India and non-profit organization governed by the Hyderabad Eye Institute HEI) and the Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation (HERF). The mission of the Eye Institute is to provide affordable and competent eye care to all sections of society. Is the top most eye care hospital in south region.the L v prasad institute has the 80 primary and secoundary eye care centers that cover the remotest rural areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. This eye hospital offers comprehensive patient care,sight Enhancement and rehabilitation, Having the talented doctors mainly deals with
L V Prasad specializes in Cataract treatment, Corneal Blindness, Refractive Error Correction Laser Surgery, Eye Bank, Low Vision, Trauma and Vision Rehabilitation
Nethradhama Superspeciality Eye Hospital,banglaore
"Sankara Nethralaya" is an eye hospital in chennai India Offering a broad coverage of ophthalmologic care to local, as well As international patients. Its a non profit missionary institution With research programme.
Address: # 256/14, Kanakapura Main Road,
7th Block, Jayanagar,Bangalore-560 082.
Phone :080- 26088000 / 26633533 / 26633609 / 22459868 / 26634202 / 26634203
AIIMS, New Delhi
AIIMS though being a government hospital and having lot of people coming to it, has good eye doctors who can advice patients regarding eye surgery.
CMC, Vellore
CMC Vellore is one of the premiere hospitals in South India with many qualified doctors who can advice eye patient about their eye conditions and possible eye surgery.
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Apollo is the largest private healthcare provider in Asia and the third largest in the world.It is the first in India to receive a form of international healthcare accreditation.It is the first in India to receive a form of international healthcare accreditation.
It is the one of the best eye hospital in the region
Fortis hospital, New Delhi
Fortis though renowned for heart surgeries also has good doctors in eye care and eye surgery. fortis Ophthalmology Department has 25 years old reputation of the department and offers Phaco Foldable IOL, Retinal Laser technology, Retinal Detachment surgery and Complete Corneal diagnostics
Amrita institute of medical sciences(AIMS),kerala
AIMS Ophthalmology Service offers facilities for complete examination, diagnosis and treatment of all ocular diseases in adult and pediatric patients and offers 532mm laser for retinal diseases.
Ruby General Hospital,Kolkata
"Ruby General Hospital" kolkata is the first in its region to be Accredited by ISO standards, specifically the ISO 9001:2000 is a Multispecialty medical facility. provides the best ophthalmology Treatment in the eastern part of India.
The Department of Ophthalmology at Ruby offers Diagnostic procedures like A Scan, B Scan Perimetry, Refraction, tests for colour blindness, are all undertaken at very affordable costs. The motto of Ruby General Hospital is to give honest, caring, compassionate and economical care to the people of Eastern India. The consultants working at Ruby are the best with national repute.


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