10 Sneaky Signs of Stress

Sign: Your Pimples Are Multiplying
When your skin breaks out, you might chalk it up to hormones. But stress could be the real culprit. Stress comes from any event you find hard to handle, like a fight with a friend, cramming for a history test, or problems at home. Learning to deal with your stress can help you feel -- and look -- your best.

When all your friends suddenly seem annoying, chances are you are over-stressed. Too much stress can make you grumpy and impatient.

The Smile Solution: Try to smile and laugh with your friends even if you feel annoyed. Making yourself smile can change how you feel. Laughing is one of the very best ways to ease stress.When all your friends suddenly seem annoying, chances are you are over-stressed. Too much stress can make you grumpy and impatient.

You're Always Tired

Does a great new beat make you dance? Or yawn? If you feel tired a lot, stress could be to blame. Sneaky, right? Stresses that last a long time, like family problems or bullying, can wear you out. So instead of feeling tense, you feel tired or sad.

Fight back with exercise. Dancing, sports, or running can help you relax, give you energy, and improve your mood. The good feelings kick in quickly and can last for hours. Always Tired

Your Heart Is Racing

OK, a wildly thumping heart is no great surprise. It's your body preparing for tough situations -- called "fight or flight." And mild stress can be a good thing to help you make the winning shot in a ball game, for example. What else happens?

Your eyes open wide to see more clearly.

Your muscles get more blood.

You sweat to cool off.

Your Appetite Is Bonkers

Crazy eating is another sign of too much stress. You may find you can't stop wolfing down junk food, or you may not feel like eating much at all. Either way, unhealthy eating zaps your energy. Now you're tired and stressed.

The best foods for fighting stress are fruits, veggies, and whole grains -- along with protein to help keep your hunger in check, such as low-fat string cheese. Steer clear of chips, microwave pizza, cookies, ice cream, and other processed junk food -- the energy vampires. 

Your Mouth Hurts

If you get cold sores -- those tingly blisters on your lips -- stress can make them pop up more often. Canker sores are the painful ones inside your mouth. They also multiply when you're stressed. You can ask your doctor about creams that may help. 

Stress remedy? Make a list of activities and pressures, even long calls from dramatic friends. Where can you cut back? Or say no? Now, add 20 minutes to relax with music or take a walk outdoors.h Hurts

Your Stomach Hurts

Stress can be a pain in the gut -- literally. The nerves in your stomach and intestines may feel pain more strongly when you're under a lot of stress.

Learn to calm both mind and body with deep breathing. Put your hands on your belly and breathe in through your nose. Feel your belly rise. Breathe out slowly through your nose or mouth. Do this for 10-20 minutes, once or twice a day. You'll feel more relaxed and gain a calm energy.

You Lean on Drugs or Drinking

If you use drugs or alcohol to deal with stress -- maybe to escape your worries -- it's time to get help from a doctor or psychologist. You may think you'll only drink or pop pills to get through a rough patch, but you can get addicted quickly. And these habits won't solve the real problem -- learning to deal with stress. Call 1-800-662-HELP anytime to find help.

Talk therapy can help you get through hard times safely. And you'll come out stronger, with new ways to handle stress.

Accept Change

Change is one of the biggest causes of stress -- whether it's starting a new school or having a best friend move out of town. Learn to see change as a regular part of life … and you may not feel as stressed when things don't go as planned.

Think of change as a challenge -- and a chance to try something new. At times you'll just need to make the best of a situation. Other times, an interesting new world may unfold before you.

Fix What You Can

Think about what's causing your stress. Is it next week's math test? A fight with a friend? Instead of worrying and complaining, take action. Make a plan to solve the problem. Get help from a teacher or a tutor after school. Ask close friends or trusted adults for help when you can't find a solution on your own. 

Think Positive

If a voice in your head keeps saying, "It's too hard!" your stress may never get better. Negative thinking adds to your stress. What thoughts lurk in your mind?

Tell yourself you have the power to make positive change in your own life. Set goals and figure out what steps you must take to reach those goals. Believe that you can do it. And make time to do things you enjoy along the way.


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