Best Beauty Secrets For Women

smiling blue eyed woman with hands on her face
Surprise! Concealer is only half the battle when it comes to fixing flaws. To perfect your complexion (no matter what your skin tone), try lipstick in a warm pink. "It distracts people's eyes from blemishes and other imperfections," says makeup artist Morgan Schick.

close up of eyebrow being tweezed
Overzealous tweezing can lead to emaciated brows and bald patches, where hair only grows back irregularly. Use a protein-spiked brow gel to stimulate healthy growth and brow fillers to shade in problem areas. 

Sure, it's chilly in your bathroom in the morning, but don't be tempted to crank up the heat in the shower. Hot water followed by cool, dry air leads to rough skin. To lock in moisture post-shower, pat — don't rub — yourself dry, and coat skin in a thick alpha-hydroxy lotion.

woman washing her face
For flawless skin choose a cleanser and moisturizer appropriate for your skin type that you can use a.m. and p.m., and then supplement it weekly with a purifying face mask. You should also consider using a nightly skin treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells.

Trying to look well rested when you aren't? Avoid piling on the foundation. Use a tinted moisturizer instead, followed by a beige eye pencil — it counteracts any redness around your eyes.

Large pores are caused by two things: genetics and age. Want to shrink them? Go to a dermatologist or a spa to get microdermabrasion treatments, a type of facial that gently sloughs off the dead surface layer of skin.

To accentuate your upper lash line without creating overly spidery fringe, apply a strip of false lashes meant for your lower lashes from corner to corner. They're shorter than traditional falsies, so they'll thicken your lash line without elongating it too much.

Keep your eyes open when applying liquid liner — otherwise your line will look uneven. Apply by drawing three dashes, one on the corner, one in the middle, and one on the inside corner of your eye. Then go back and connect the dashes for a smooth line.

For full lips go for a glossy look. Try first outlining the perimeter of your lips using a concealer brush dipped in bronzer two shades deeper than your skin tone. Then, top pout with gold, peach, or coral gloss.

"To make the waist look narrower, use a white pencil liner to dot an egg shape on each side, starting below the rib cage. Fill in just this area with a self-tanner one shade darker than your natural skin and blend," says Cindy Barshop, owner of Completely Bare spas.

Prevent dead-skin pileup by using a pumice stone in the shower — and don't be tempted into using a razor. That will only cause more skin to grow back. Pamper your feet with moisturizing facial masks.

If you're looking for a dramatic eye, try liquid eyeliner. Choose an eyeliner brush that's small with angled bristles for a cleaner line. 

We love the look of a perfect sheer manicure on long, tapered talons as much as the next woman, but let's face it: It takes time, patience, and money to keep it up. For equally elegant, less fussy nails, go short, round, and dark. File your nails so they line up with the tips of your fingers and round off the corners.


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