Top 10 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is a constant struggle for many people and this can lead to an lifetime of dieting and steering away from all kinds of foods. However it can certainly help psychologically (and thus help you to actually achieve your aims) if you do not think of weight loss only in terms of what you can not have, but also in terms of what you should have. Here we will look at just the foods that can actually help you to lose weight, and some of the natural ingredients that can mimic the effects of those dangerous and expensive weight loss supplements that you would do well to steer clear of. Still do not eat these in massive abundance of course, but when choosing food it can help to gravitate this way. Following are ten foods that will help you to lose weight in a variety of ways.

Fibre: Fibre in your diet is very useful for losing weight as it helps to flush your system. It is at once a diuretic and a laxative and can clear deposited fat from your veins and arteries.
Caffeine: Caffeine is a very useful weight loss tool as it helps to speed up the body's metabolism. This means you burn more calories and more fat as your heart rate and other functions speed up.
Banana: A banana is useful as a way to boost energy when you are dieting and it is crucial to ensure you still get some carbs. At the same time this will give you the energy you need to workout and train in order to burn more calories.
Laxatives: Any food with laxative properties such as prunes or tea can help you to clear your system and dispose of waste that otherwise adds to your waist…
Warm Milk: Warm milk can help produce melatonin which in turn helps you sleep. This then causes you to produce more growth hormone that has not only fat burning but also muscle building properties.
Celery: Celery famously takes more calories to eat than it gains you. While this is probably technically inaccurate, it nevertheless is a very calorie free snack.
Gum: However what you can chew that will help you to keep your mouth preoccupied which has no calories at all is gum. This may also help speed your metabolism, but be aware that it can cause your stomach acids to run and that this can damage your stomach lining if over done…
Oranges: Not only are they refreshing and full of vitamins and minerals, but oranges can also help your body's ability to recognise when it is full – which is of course a very important skill when losing weight.
Water: Water has countless benefits for our body and for when dieting and will flush our system and fill us up when dieting.
Chocolate Bar: Okay so chocolate bars will not lose you any weight, but the point here is that it is important to occasionally eat something sweet to stop yourself giving up on the dieting. It is incentive and it prevents you falling completely off of the wagon.


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