75% Australian Doctors Suffered Abuse from Patients in 2011

75% Australian Doctors Suffered Abuse from Patients in 2011
A survey has revealed that 75% of Australian doctors have suffered either verbal or physical abuse from their patients. The survey, which recorded the abuse in 2011, also found that verbal abuse was found to be a common way by patients to let out their anger.
In order to reach at the above given result, the study researchers have surveyed approximately 10,000 doctors. The study researchers from the Monash University was of the view that with the fears looming about the probable cuts in the health budget would make things even more worse for doctors.
"A failure to address this important professional and public health concern may contribute to ongoing challenges in the recruitment and retention of medical practitioners", said lead researcher Danny Hills.
The survey, which has been published in the Medical Journal of Australia, has revealed a stark reality that if not more then also 38,000 medical clinicians have suffered either physical abuse or verbal abuse. In addition, it has been found that people also express their anger through their writing.
Will Milford, who is heading the AMA Council of Doctors in Training, said that medicine field is such that professional have to work under stressful deadlines. On the top of it, such deadlines can cause them great distress.


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