Cameco Fuel Manufacturing processes uranium dioxide to produce pellets and assembles fuel bundles at its Port Hope site. The Cobourg site manufactures the zircaloy components and tubing for the bundles.

Uranium Dioxide Process
Uranium dioxide (UO2) powder is delivered to Cameco Fuel Manufacturing by truck in 45-gallon drums. The material is put into processing containers and then blended to condition the powder
UO2 powder is compressed in a die to produce cylindrical pellets
Pellets pass through a high-temperature electric sintering furnace with a hydrogen atmosphere to convert them to a hard, high-density ceramic
Pellets are ground under liquid coolant to precise dimensions
Pellets are loaded into a fuel tube which is sealed by welded end caps
Fuel tubes are assembled into bundles and zircaloy end plates are attached by resistance welding
After inspection and cleaning, the fuel assemblies are packaged for shipment

Zircaloy Components
The zircaloy tubes used in fuel bundles and component parts are manufactured at Cobourg facility. Component parts are manufactured through standard metal-working processes.


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