Researchers Build a new Transient Electronics Device that Melts Away in Body

Researchers Build a new Transient Electronics Device that Melts Away in Body
Interviewing with Mr. John A. Rogers, a Professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has revealed some facts of an interesting research, which says will produce electronic devices that will vanish with completion of their purpose.
Yes, the above facts have also been published this week in the journal Science, which has wrote about a study of Prof Rogers and his colleagues, in which they have assembled a toolbox of tiny biodegradable components made of silicon, magnesium and silk to build the devices that can completely dissolve in the body.
While conversing about this research work with The Times, Prof Rogers minutely explained the virtues of the so-called "transient electronics". He explained that these are some new kind of electronics, which can physically disappear over the time in an engineered, controlled, programmable way because they are easily dissolved in water or in bio-fluids.
He compared the new electronics to a biomedical implant, which is used to diagnose or treat an internal wound. The only difference between both will be that this newest research will simply disappear on purpose thereby leaving no reason for the professionals to go back in again and fish the device out. The device is being tested over animals for now.


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