Lower net fishing helps salmon recovery in Scottish rivers

According to the authorities in Scotland, a fall in the number of salmon and grilse caught by netting industry helped increase the number of salmons in Scottish rivers.
According to the figures, the number of salmon caught and then released back into the rivers in Scotland was the sixth highest since records began in 1952. According to figures, a total of 87,915 salmon were caught by rod in 2011.Lower net fishing helps salmon recovery in Scottish rivers
The government data pointed out that 23,324 sea trout caught in the previous year was 4 per cent higher than the previous five-year average in the area. The number of salmon and trout caught in the fishing nets continued to fall over the years.
Environment Minister Paul Wheelhouse stressed the point that fishing is part of the heritage as well as modern economy of Scotland.
"In addition to delivering valuable local employment the sector provides a recreational activity enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. Indeed, salmon fishing attracts substantial numbers of visitors to Scotland, benefiting local hotels and businesses," he said.
He also said that the practice of catch and release helps in preservations efforts and maintains freshwater fisheries. He said that the rise in the number of catch and release is an indication that most realize the importance of sustaining salmon and sea trout.


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