safe SEX

                Nobody has a body to die for. Safe sex is always better! It's fun, and you don't have to worry as much.
Safe sex means making sure you don't get anyone else's blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk in your body -- and protecting your partners too! Condoms, latex surgical gloves, and plastic wrap are the only ways to protect yourself and your partner from STDs and HIV, but they're not foolproof. You've got to use them correctly every time you have sex.

The best condoms for anal and vaginal intercourse are lubricated latex condoms. We do not recommend lambskin condoms because they don’t block HIV and STDs.  If you're allergic to latex you can use polyurethane condoms.  Using lubricant will make things go smoother and give you added protection. Lube is especially great for women the first time you have intercourse, or if you tend to get sore. But always use a water-based lube (such as KY Jelly, Astroglide, Aqua Lube, Wet, Foreplay, or Probe). Oil breaks latex. Don't use vaseline, hand creams or lotions as a lubricant. Also, treatments for yeast infections contain oil and will break latex. Oil is good for salads and cars, not for sex! You can buy water-based lube and condoms at the drugstore.
Always use a condom.
If you're going to suck your partner's dick (blowjob), put a condom on it first. Try non-lubricated or flavored condoms for this. Whatever you do, don't get semen (cum) in your mouth, because you could get an STD or HIV that way. If you have a sore throat or small cuts on your gums (say from brushing your teeth), there's a risk of HIV going from the semen into your blood stream.
If you're doing someone with a sex toy -- vegetable, dildo, vibrator, or whatever -- put a condom on that thing! Don't switch the toy from butthole to vagina, or from one person's body to another, until you put a new condom on it.
Some people think that putting on a condom is too much work when you're supposed to be having fun. But it's easy for condoms to be really fun and erotic. Be creative!

here's what you do:
  1. Get ready. Make sure your condoms are fresh -- check the expiration date. Throw away condoms that have expired, been very hot, carried around in your wallet, or washed in the washer. If you think the condom might not be good, get a new one. You and your partner are worth it.
  2. That dick has to be hard before you put a condom on it.
  3. Open it. Tear open the package carefully, so you don't rip the condom. Careful if you use your teeth.
  4. If the penis is uncut (uncircumcised), pull the foreskin back first.
  5. Make sure the condom is right side out. It's like a sock: there's a right side and wrong side. First unroll it about half an inch to see in which direction it is unrolling. Then put it on. It should unroll easily down your dick. If you start off wrong, try again with a new condom. You'll see when you practice.
  6. Hold the top half-inch of the condom between your fingers when you roll it down. This keeps out air bubbles, which can cause the condom to break. It also leaves a space at the end for the cum.
  7. Roll the condom down as far as it will go. It should reach the base of the penis near the balls
  8. For anal intercourse, use lots of lube. Water-based lube is great for vaginal intercourse, too. Put the lube on after you put on the condom, not before -- the condom could slip off. Add more lube often. Dry condoms break more easily.
  9. Guys -- when you pull out hold the condom near your balls so it doesn't slip off. Try to pull out while you're still hard. Take the condom off only after you are completely out of your partner.
  10. Throw out the used condom right away. Use a condom only once. Never use the same condom for vaginal and anal intercourse. Never use a condom that has been in, or used by someone else. Never cum more than once in the same condom.

Guys, practice putting on a condom in a comfortable place where you have plenty of time by yourself. You know what we mean! Practice makes perfect, and you'll impress your partner. Girls, practice putting a condom on a banana.
You can get HIV and STDs even if you're not havingintercourse. It can't hurt to cover all the bases -- with latex, that is!

plastic wrap
If you're going to be licking your partner's vulva and clit (eating out), use a piece of plastic wrap to be safe. Yes! All you need is some plastic-wrap, or a condom cut down the side and laid flat. Be sure to cover the entire crotch. You could put some honey or jam on your side of the plastic wrap and just eat away! Also, putting some lube on the other side of the plastic wrap may make it even more fun for her. But never flip the plastic over while you're eating out. If you're going to move from one partner to another or from butthole to vulva, use a new piece.
It's especially important to use plastic wrap if your partner is having her period. Menstrual blood can carry HIV and STDs.
If you're going to be licking your partner's butthole (rimming), cover it with plastic wrap too. This keeps you safe from harmful bacteria and STD's. A dental dam is a square piece of latex that you can use just like plastic wrap. You can get dental dams at condom stores, dentists offices, and some drugstores.

latex gloves
Putting your fingers or fist in your partner's vagina or butthole (finger fucking or fisting) is safe as long as you don't have cuts or sores on your hands and your partner is not on her period. The safest way to do it is to wear a latex surgical glove (not a dishwashing glove) and use lots of water-based lube. You can get latex surgical gloves at the drugstore.
You can still safely do almost everything else that turns you on -- kissing, stroking, massaging,
grinding . . .


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